CPD: Changing professional development

Watch the recording of Lloyd Bingham's presentation to the ITI Conference 2022. 

What skills will translators need to develop/acquire in the years to come and how they can help secure the continuity of the profession?

As language professionals, we place immense value on continuing professional development (CPD) to evolve our knowledge and skills so we can best serve our clients. But as the world changes, so too do our clients’ requirements and the profession. It’s our job to keep up with these changes and adapt to them. The number of in-house translator positions is falling, while enrolment on translation degree programmes is up. Will this produce a generation of new translators entering the market without honing their skills first? The world is switching to hybrid working and we are doing more and more CPD online. Will in-person training become a thing of past? Lloyd discusses the trends he has observed in the training undertaken by translators in recent years and draws conclusions on what the landscape of education and professional development for linguists will look like in the near future.

Lloyd Bingham


Lloyd Bingham MITI runs Capital Translations in Cardiff, Wales. He works from Dutch, German, French and Spanish into English, specialising in business, technology and education. Lloyd is a member of ITI and SENSE, a committee member of ITI Cymru Wales and in May 2022 was elected to the ITI Board.

Twitter: @Capital_Trans
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/capitaltranslations/