
An exploration of ethics

In common with many other professional bodies ITI requires members to adopt our Code of Conduct when they join. The Code of Conduct describes the types of concrete behaviours that a professional translator or interpreter should be expected to demonstrate and sets standards that govern our relationships with our clients and our colleagues. 

But what do we do about the other important aspects of being a professional that go beyond our day-to-day conduct? This is where ethics comes into the conversation. But agreeing and defining the ethical values and principles that might be appropriate for the languages services sector is not straightforward. Given the current industry context and the concerns of wider society how might we approach the idea of drafting a Code of Ethics for ITI?

With the help of ITI member Dr Joseph Lambert we are setting out on a process of exploration which we hope will culminate in a dynamic set of ethical principles that can continue to be adapted as the world around us changes. We will be posting articles and convening dicussion groups over the coming months and we very much hope that members will join the conversation and help shape the outcome.