Online learning in a fun, friendly format
We organise an aperitivo event every month, giving members the chance to get together online to learn, network and connect. The sessions have covered everything from wine and olive oil to theatre and literature, with forays into punctuation and inclusive language. Sessions are run by members who kindly share their specialist knowledge, and we also invite guest speakers.
Originally set up as a way of keeping in touch during the COVID-19 pandemic, these events continue to run following positive feedback from members – and people keep coming back!
New members can access recordings of all previous sessions (apart from networking sessions).
Giving back to the community
We run a translation mentoring programme every year, pairing up new entrants to the profession with experienced colleagues who are willing to share their time and their business or linguistic expertise. The programme always proves popular and is a core membership benefit. Some comments from our mentees and mentors –
'Mentee was keen to improve which is a positive approach to translation. There is always something new to learn no matter how long you have been involved in translating'
'Really enjoyed the experience. Thank you! '
'I found the programme very useful and would definitely recommend it.'
'I was able to ask all the questions I had and we even discussed lots of issues around translating into Italian, especially now when there seems to be a tendency to use English terminology more and more in daily life.'
Learning from peers
We help our members form small revision groups to hone their core translation skills and find like-minded linguists to collaborate with. These round tables help colleagues develop specialist knowledge, polish their writing skills and solve terminological conundrums while sharing their professional enthusiasm. Two (or more) heads are better than one, as they say!
Access to knowledge anytime, anywhere
Our members have online access to a range of forums for discussing everything from terminology to text types, asking questions to fellow professionals and organising independent get-togethers. Any client material is kept confidential at all times.
Guest speakers providing top-quality CPD
We have run several webinar series with renowned Italian-to-English translator Tim Parks. The quality of these sessions is superb: feedback from previous editions includes “one of the most challenging (and hence rewarding) CPD events I've ever done”.
We welcome input from members about the kind of CPD they would like to take part in, and we do our very best to make it happen.
Putting faces to names
We hold professional online speed-dating events to enable members to network informally, form revision groups, get to know colleagues and much more. We have also introduced online networking drop-in sessions organised by specialism.
We run informal community initiatives such as a digital advent calendar in December.
Members are encouraged to share any training sessions, lectures, books, films, documentaries, etc., that they think other members may find valuable, in the interests of spreading cultural and linguistic knowledge.
Training and networking
We organise CPD in the form of training and networking events in various locations around the UK when possible. These have included workshops, courses and informal meet-ups.