Our people

ITI is the professional home of translators and interpreters in the UK and internationally and serves as a meeting place for all those who understand the importance of translation and interpreting to the economy and society.

The elected Board of Directors sets the strategic direction of the organisation and the small staff team of nine is responsible for delivering our strategic priorites and providing membership services.

Our values

  • Valuing professionalism
  • Upholding high standards
  • Being welcoming and inclusive
  • Being forward-looking
  • Behaving ethically

Staff team

For contact details, click on a team member's picture.

Board members

ITI is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Its elected board is responsible for all strategic, financial and membership aspects of the Institute. The ITI Board is made up of Sara Robertson, Chief Executive and the following ITI members (click on their picture to read more about them):


ITI currently has the following committees:



  • To oversee ITI membership applications based on the Institute's bylaws and quality standards
  • To propose appropriate amendments to the bylaws and to create and update literature for applicants and their referees

Chair: Cate Avery FITI

Download the Membership Committee Terms of reference.



  • To consider applications from Qualified Members (MITI) for Fellowship of the Institute and to advise the Board on such proposed appointments

Chair: Francesca Matteoda FITI



  • To act as an independent panel for any appeals lodged as part of the assessment process, based on the Institute's bylaws

Chair: Francoise Vignon FITI

Professional Conduct


  • To implement Article 5.5 of ITI’s Articles of Association: to advise the Board on maintaining, promoting and enforcing the Institute’s standards for professional conduct among its members.

Chair: Dr Joanna Waller FITI

Download the Professional Conduct Committee Terms of reference.

Professional Development


  • To organise and provide training courses, workshops and other learning events that count towards members' CPD activities
  • To provide information and useful resources about career development

Chair: Kari Koonin FITI



  • The purpose of the Nomination Committee is to ensure that a formal, robust and transparent process exists for the selection and nomination of potential Board directors and the appointment of Committee chairs.

Chair: Kerry Gilchrist MITI


The ITI Board set up a Board Sub-Committee called the ITI Board Remunerations Committee with three primary objectives:

  • Set the company's remuneration policy
  • Determine the Chief Executives total individual remuneration package
  • Set the targets for any performance-related pay

The Chair, two Vice Chairs and Mark Robinson make up the committee membership. 

ITI currently has the following working group:

AI working group


  • Support ITI staff to gather ITI member insights on their understanding and use of genAI and associated technologies (e.g. Pulse surveys, opening meetings, regular discussion forum)
  • Define the meaning of genAI in relation to professional language services and create a glossary of terminology to support ITI members’ understanding
  • Support ITI staff to curate and update the AI section of the ITI Knowledge Hub by identifying key sources of guidance and information which might benefit ITI members
  • Develop a library of use case examples that demonstrate when AI tools might and might not be appropriate
  • Engage with higher education providers to understand how T&I training is changing in response to the evolution of genAI and build a picture of the skills needed by future practitioners
  • Suggest potential topics for genAI-related ITI training sessions that can be delivered through the proposed Learning Management System or webinars
  • Provide advice to ITI staff on the potential to respond to Government policy consultations on genAI and language services-related topics
  • Collaborate with research institutions working on the topic of genAI including participating in research and disseminating research findings

Chair: Iwan Davies FITI

Download the AI working group Terms of reference.