Improve your translation process with TransTools and TransTools+

Discover how by using these tools for translators and editors you can save time and increase your productivity.

In our era of CAT tools, a common mistake is to trust the CAT tool to create a perfect translated document without spending time on preparing the document before and after translation.

In the webinar, you will learn how to use TransTools and TransTools+ - productivity tools for translators - to prepare Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents for translation in a CAT tool and how to finalise them after exporting from the CAT tool.

Find out:

  • How to prepare Microsoft Office documents for translation in CAT tools (how to clean excessive tags, remove excessive breaks and spaces, format documents converted from PDFs)
  • How to translate specific parts of a Word document in a CAT tool, ignoring text marked as non-translatable
  • How to create a dual-language document with source and target languages side by side
  • How to format documents after translation (to ensure full visibility of translated text)
  • How to improve the appearance (typography) of Word documents after translation
  • How to find and correct words and phrases in Word documents as part of QA, using pre-defined or ad-hoc correction lists

This webinar will be useful for both translators and editors and will be especially useful for translators who deal with poorly formatted source documents and PDF files.

This webinar will be recorded and uploaded to the Webinar library for you to access afterward.

ITI members: Free

Non-members: £10 +VAT