In her presentation Carina Farrell will touch on topics such as the importance of having a personal brand, how you can overcome your fears of putting yourself out there, how you can optimise your online profiles and she'll also share some tips on determining what kind of content to create.
At the end of the session, you'll have an opportunity to ask Carina your questions.
Carina Farrell is a personal branding expert with a thriving international audience. She's reached over 2 million views through her content, and she's honoured to be recognised as one of the top 24 marketers to follow in 2024.
This event is only open for ITI East Anglia Network members, ITI members and translation students at the University of East Anglia and the University of Essex.
Network member fee: Free
ITI member fee: £10.00
Location: Online
Contact name: Fiona Gray
Contact email: [email protected]
Booking closes: 20 May 2024
Network website address:
CPD hours: 1