Welcome to the homepage of Yorkshire Translators & Interpreters (YTI), the Yorkshire regional group of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.


YTI is one of a number of  regional groups affiliated to the ITI.

At present, the group has around 120 members and we are keen to welcome newcomers. We hold monthly social meetings plus a number of CPD events each year.

Membership is open to established and aspiring translators and interpreters who would like to play a part in regional group activities. We have a members-only online group for chat, support and news. Our annual subscription is £10 for ITI members, £15 for non-members of the ITI and £4 for students. If you are interested in joining, please contact the YTI Membership Secretary.

We hope that our local members will also be interested in joining ITI if they have not already done so.

Officers of YTI

Josie Worrall - Coordinator
Laura MacNay - Membership
Sarah Fisher - Treasurer
Francesca Gatenby - Social Media
Marina Torruella Bonsoms - CPD
Raquel Madrid Lopez - Mentoring
Heather Langdale & Jamie Collins - Events
Kerry Gilchrist & Chris Thompson - Members without portfolio