The first of two introductory webinars presented by The University of Surrey, Centre for Translation Studies, aimed at tackling the issues surrounding AI and its impact on the language industry.
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Navigating the constant influx of news about AI and its impact on the language industry can be overwhelming. Faced with contrasting perspectives on the benefits of AI and concerns about staying relevant in a world where AI appears to take centre-stage, language professionals need to address two pressing questions:

  • Can AI-driven tools help enhance your capabilities and strengthen your role as a language professional in today’s market?
  • What are the most compelling arguments you can present to your clients about AI, to underscore the fundamental role that translators and interpreters continue to play in the era of AI?

This first webinar will explore essential terms and concepts in the AI domain, from deep learning to neural machine translation and large language models. The session seeks to establish common ground, enabling translators and interpreters to navigate discussions about the capabilities of AI effectively, alongside an initial exploration of risks associated with using AI.

In addition, the two webinars will enable participants to:

  • Be equipped with practical strategies to assess different viewpoints on the capabilities of AI tools in real-world translation and interpreting contexts
  • Have confidence to make informed decisions about integrating AI tools in their own professional practice
  • Be able to clarify the capabilities and limitations of AI technologies when dealing with clients.

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